COMMUNICATION / Events and meetings
Monitoring and Evaluation Activities
Executive director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) Vusal Gasimli presented the monitoring and evaluation report of the “Strategic Roadmaps on the National Economy and Key Sectors of the Economy for 2017-2020” to the deputies
Executive director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) Vusal Gasimli presented the monitoring and evaluation report of the “Strategic Roadmaps on the National Economy and Key Sectors of the Economy for 2017-2020” to the deputies.
The monitoring and evaluation report of the Strategic Roadmaps on the National Economy and Key Sectors of the Economy for 2017-2020 have been discussed at Milli Majlis.
On December 23, the Committee for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising and the Agrarian Policy Committee, together with Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of the Republic of Azerbaijan held discussions on the monitoring and evaluation report of the “Strategic Roadmaps on the National Economy and Key Sectors of the Economy for 2017-2020”.
Chairman of the Committee for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising Tahir Mirkishili opened the meeting and said that the relevant document played an important role in the deepening of economic reforms , the development of economic entities, the expansion of micro, small and medium enterprises, increasing the competitiveness of economic sectors during 2016-2021. The Strategic Roadmaps envisage further strengthening the competitiveness of the country's economic sectors by 2025.
Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Agrarian Policy Committee Tahir Rzayev praised the long-term development goals of the country's agricultural sector and the results of their achievement in the Strategic Road Map.
Afterwards, Vusal Gasimli presented the monitoring and evaluation report of the “Strategic Roadmaps on the National Economy and Key Sectors of the Economy for 2017-2020” to the deputies.
As a result of the successful implementation of strategic roadmaps, the goal has been set to ensure an average annual real growth of more than 3% of GDP by 2025. Thus, real GDP growth in the country this year is forecasted at 5.1 percent, non-oil GDP growth at 6.0 percent, and economic growth is forecasted to be 3.9 percent next year. Also, the fact that exports in the non-oil sector increased from $170 per capita in 2015 to $260 this year suggests that the target of $ 450 in 2025 can be achieved. At present, the country's socio-economic development strategy and action plan for 2022-2026 have been prepared by the Government and submitted to the relevant authorities.
During the discussion of the report, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising Ali Masimli, deputies Vahid Ahmadov, Mahir Abbaszade, Aydin Huseynov, Mazahir Afandiyev, Mushfig Jafarov spoke and expressed their positive reviews on the report.
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication held a press conference on the monitoring and evaluation report of "Strategic Road Maps on the national economy and key sectors of the economy in the Republic of Azerbaijan" for 2017-2020
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication held a press conference on the monitoring and evaluation report of "Strategic Road Maps on the national economy and key sectors of the economy in the Republic of Azerbaijan" for 2017-2020
The Strategic roadmaps have achieved their main goals under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan's economy has stabilized in the short term by shaking off the negative impact of external shocks in 2015-2016, and the development has been restored in the medium term. As a result, in 2020, despite the effects of low oil prices, drought, pandemic and the Great Patriotic War, the immunity gained by the Azerbaijani economy allowed to minimize the effects of the crisis.
As a result of the successful implementation of strategic roadmaps, the goal has been set to ensure an average annual real growth of more than 3% of GDP by 2025: Thus, real GDP growth in the country this year is forecasted at 5.1 percent, non-oil GDP growth at 6.0 percent, and economic growth is forecasted to be 3.9 percent next year. Also, the fact that exports in the non-oil sector increased from $170 per capita in 2015 to $260 this year suggests that the target of $ 450 in 2025 can be achieved.
At present, the country's socio-economic development strategy and action plan for 2022-2026 have been prepared by the Government and submitted to the relevant authorities. With the approval of the new strategic document and action plan, the implementation period of the Strategic Road Maps on the national economy and key sectors of the economy is considered expired starting from January 1, 2022.
It should be noted that no additional funds have been allocated from the state budget for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Strategic Road Maps on the national economy and key sectors of the economy, and government agencies have implemented all measures within the budget allocated to them.
Preliminary results of monitoring and evaluation of "State Program for the expansion of digital payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018-2020" has been discussed at the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication.
On October 12,2021 The results of the monitoring and evaluation of the "State Program for the expansion of digital payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2018-2020" were discussed at the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication. Representatives from the Central Bank, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education, the State Tourism Agency, Baku Transport Agency and other agencies attended at the discussion on the results of monitoring and evaluation of the "State Program for the expansion of digital payments". The meetings focused on the measures taken by the relevant agencies in 2018-2020, the difficulties encountered during the implementation of the tasks and the general results achieved.
It is worth noting that, In accordance with the action plan for the implementation of the State Program, the executive bodies have acted in many areas and implemented relevant measures. So that, In accordance with the determined tasks in the State Program, the executive bodies worked to further improve the institutional environment for digital payments, revitalize the banking sector, forming a digital ecosystem and strengthen awareness and promotion of digital payments.
Furthermore, in accordance with the main areas of activity of the State Program, drafts of normative legal acts have been prepared for the development of a favorable business environment in the countries, simplification of the taxation mechanism, optimization of the tax burden over the past 3 years, important work has been done in the fields of developing digital banking, creating a System of Instant Payments (SIP) for the implementation of new digital payment technologies, and a free "Basic Banking Services Package" for low-income groups.
In addition, issues concerning the development of the digital ecosystem will be continued in a more advanced and priority form in the coming years in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 27, 2021 on "improving governance in the field of digital transformation."
The publication "Monitoring and Evaluation" in Azerbaijan was published in two languages
Azərbaycanda “Monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə” nəşri iki dildə dərc edilib
İqtisadi İslahatların Təhlili və Kommunikasiya Mərkəzi (İİTKM) tərəfindən “Monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə: 2016-2021” nəşri iki dildə - Azərbaycan və ingilis dillərində dərc edilib. “Monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə: 2016-2021” nəşrində Prezident İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi altında uğurla aparılan idarəetmə islahatlarının tərkib hissəsi kimi yaradılmış monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə institutu sahəsində Azərbaycan təcrübəsi, qanunvericilik əsasları, metodologiya və rəqəmsal transformasiya kimi məsələlər əhatə olunur. Dünya Bankının “Avropa və Mərkəzi Asiyada səmərəli, hesabatlı və inklüziv institutların qurulması” mövzusunda hesabatında qeyd edilib ki, Azərbaycan monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə sahəsində innovativ həlləri tətbiq etməklə “nəticə əsaslı yaxşı idarəetmə” nümunəsi yaradıb. Dünya Bankının regionda uğur hekayəsi kimi təqdim etdiyi İİTKM-də yaradılan monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə institutu BP şirkətinin dəstəyi ilə portalı əsasında rəqəmsallaşdırılıb. BMT İnkişaf Proqramı, Dünya Bankı, İqtisadi Əməkdaşlıq və İnkişaf Təşkilatı, Avropa İttifaqı və bir sıra beynəlxalq inkişaf partnyorlarının yaxından iştirakı ilə İİTKM-in Səmərəliliyin qiymətləndirilməsi departamenti monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə fəaliyyətinin aparılması üzrə institusional struktur kimi formalaşıb.
Xatırladaq ki, İİTKM-in Nizamnaməsinin 2.2.1-2-ci və 2.2.1-3-cü bəndlərinə əsasən, dövlət qurumlarının sifarişi əsasında sənaye parkları, məhəllələri və aqroparklarda həyata keçirilən fəaliyyətin, habelə iqtisadi yönümlü dövlət proqramlarının monitorinq və qiymətləndirilməsinin aparılması, icra müddəti bitmiş dövlət proqramlarının və dövlət investisiya layihələrinin iqtisadi səmərəsinin qiymətləndirilməsi əsas fəaliyyət istiqaməti olaraq hədəflənib. “Dövlət proqramlarının tərtibi, icrası, monitorinqi və qiymətləndirilməsi Qaydası” “Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin 2016-cı il 20 aprel tarixli 879 nömrəli Fərmanı ilə təsdiq edilmiş “İqtisadi İslahatların Təhlili və Kommunikasiya Mərkəzinin Nizamnaməsində dəyişikliklər edilməsi haqqında” Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin 2016-cı il 13 iyul tarixli 990 nömrəli Fərmanının 2.2-ci bəndinə uyğun olaraq hazırlanmışdır.
“Monitorinq və qiymətləndirmə: 2016-2021” nəşri ilə Azərbaycan dilində bu linkdə, ingilis dilində bu linkdə tanış ola bilərsiniz.
Azerbaijan's experience in monitoring and evaluation was presented at the international event
Azerbaijan's experience in monitoring and evaluation was presented at the international event.
Within the frame of the Global Evaluation Week, the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) and the UN Development Program (UNDP) organized the online webinar entitled “The role of monitoring and evaluation in improving public administration: the experience of Azerbaijan”.
It should be noted that with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Evaluation Initiative, the traditional international event "Global Evaluation Week" was held from May 31 to June 4. The main topic of the discussion at the event is the role of monitoring and evaluation in overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the global community and economies.
Azerbaijan has also joined the initiative and shared the country's experience in building capacity in monitoring and evaluation to improve public administration. The meeting, co-chaired by Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, and Alessandro Fracassetti, UNDP Resident Representative for Azerbaijan, was attended by more than 400 international experts, government officials and media representatives engaged in the field of monitoring and evaluation.
Vusal Gasimli delivered a speech on “The role of monitoring and evaluation in improving public administration: the experience of Azerbaijan” and provided participants with the information on successful economic and management reforms of Azerbaijan, as well as the work of the Center as the monitoring and evaluation institute. He expressed appreciation for the role of development partners, UNDP, the World Bank, and others in building an advanced national assessment system in Azerbaijan in a very short time, and thanked UNDP experts for their support in developing the M and E methodologies and monitoring and evaluating Strategic Roadmaps. Also, Vusal Gasimli highly appreciated the technical support provided by UNDP in the preparation of the Center's Strategic Action Plan and stressed the importance of continuing cooperation with the UN Development Program in the field of monitoring and evaluation.
Resident Representative for Azerbaijan of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Alessandro Fracassetti informed the participants about the existing potential for monitoring and evaluation in Azerbaijan, the creation of a legal framework and institutional building, the preparation, and publication of monitoring and evaluation reports of strategic roadmaps, the adoption of rules of monitoring and evaluation of the state program. At the same time, he spoke about UNDP's support for building monitoring and evaluation capacity in the country, the launch of other strategic development documents and government program reports, and the prospects for future development of the monitoring and evaluation industry in Azerbaijan and the benefits of improving public administration.
During the discussions, local and international experts made presentations. Also, there were held discussions with representatives of the international audience on the country's experience in the field of monitoring and evaluation of Azerbaijan.
"The Regulations of the Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of State Programs"
"The Regulations of the Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of State Programs" was approved.
President Ilham Aliyev approved the Regulations of the Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of State Programs. The new regulations were developed in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Amendments to the Charter of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication" dated July 13, 2016. According to the new regulations , the project development process will assess the main objectives and priorities of the country's socio-economic development, as well as the proposals of relevant agencies, world experience, interaction with other projects in relevant fields. The coordinating bodies appointed for the implementation of the state programs, provided for in the draft regulations , ensure that a single coordinating body controls the realization of each measure and sub-measure. With the approval of the new regulations, the approach to monitoring and evaluation is changing, both in terms of philosophy and methodology. Also, the process of transition from activity-based monitoring and evaluation to results-based monitoring and evaluation can be observed. It means that during the monitoring and evaluation, instead of the question "did they do it?" the relevant executive bodies will be asked the question “so what?". Thus, the assessment will cover not the work done, but the specific results and impacts of the measures taken. At the stage of preparation of state programs, specific indicators will be identified for subsequent monitoring and evaluation of work. These indicators will determine the extent to which problems have been resolved upon the implementation of the measures envisaged. During the monitoring and evaluation process, by defining initial baselines, it will be possible to carry out a comparative analysis of the situation before (ex-ante) and after (ex-post) implementation of measures. According to the new regulations, indicators designed for monitoring and evaluation should be classified into three stages: indicators of initial, intermediate, and final results. Such classification allows conducting monitoring and evaluation of the results expected from the implementation of programs regularly.
With the approval of the new regulations, questions for monitoring and evaluation will be categorized by efficiency, relevance, and rationality. Such an approach is considered an internationally accepted monitoring and evaluation methodology. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Bank use this methodology.
The first results-based monitoring and evaluation of the "State Program for ensuring food safety in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2025 years" was carried out
The first results-based monitoring and evaluation of the "State Program for ensuring food safety in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2025 years" was carried out
The Center for Analysıs of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan prepared a monitoring and evaluation report on the results of the implementation for 2019 of the "State Program for Ensuring Safety in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2025". We note that the implementation of the State Program in 2019 has been estimated at 84 percent over 44 indicators. It is first ever program with the highest implementation rate evaluated on the basis of results among the State Programs monitored and evaluated so far. It means that the evaluation was based on the results of works done but not on the activities implemented for each action (activity-based).
Furthermore, the implementation rate for the Agency was set at 82% over 40 indicators. As part of the monitoring and evaluation of the State Program, the Center carried out evaluation of the following activities implemented in 2019 over 12 priority areas: improving regulatory framework in food safety, improving infrastructure, strengthening scientific support and human resources in the field of food safety, developing the scientific evidences- based risk analysis system, development of public-private partnership, introduction of up-to-date technologies and innovative solutions, development of international cooperation, raising awareness of people on food safety, promotion of healthy nutrition and protection of consumer rights, etc. The activities carried out in 2019 on 12 main priorities were evaluated.
In general, 8 out of 12 targets planned for 2019 were achieved in full, while the remaining 4 were mostly achieved. AFSA and the Ministry of Agriculture are the government agencies responsible for main activities implemented.
When developing the report, the Center examined global best practices and made use of achievements of the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, UN agencies and other international organizations in the area of result-based monitoring and evaluation. When developing results scheme in line with the implementation period of the State Program (2019-2025), the Center determined indicators concerning initial result, intermediate result and expected effects. The monitoring and evaluation of this program, the first ever large-scale result- oriented implementation and evaluation process has been developed in view of the recommendations of World Bank experts. The monitoring and evaluation, based on the above approach, was carried out using the initial output indicators of 2019.
Presentation of “” Portal
Presentation of “” Portal
A presentation of the new portal, developed by the Center for Economic Reform Analysis and Communication together with BP, was held. The main purpose of the portal creation is the reduction of the "communication distance" between agencies during the monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Roadmaps and other state programs, as well as digitization, simplification, and provision of transparency of the monitoring and evaluation institute.
Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC), PhD in economics Vusal Gasimli delivered an opening speech. He stated that the creation of electronic government and electronic court along with electronic monitoring systems ensures more efficient and prompt public administration. CAERC carries out monitoring, evaluation and communication measures regarding activities reflected in the Strategic Roadmaps, as well as of economy-oriented state programs. Also, upon the order of state agencies, Center within its authority monitors and evaluates the work carried out in industrial parks, districts and agroparks. V. Gasimli stated that the implementation of the reform process by digital platforms is the result of the Decrees of President Ilham Aliyev on the application of sustainable and best international practices and approaches. “As a result of monitoring and evaluation of realized state strategies, programs, and plans of actions, portal provides and opportunity to create a Big Database.
On the other hand, by using the Database, portal provides the generation of reforms and ensures their monitoring. In the future, functional linkages between and portals will create a "smart circle". Thus, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, a specific model for the management of economic reforms has been established in Azerbaijan. portal, as a monitoring institute of the CAERC, will have a positive impact on accelerating the reform process in the country along with enhancing its assessment, coordination and communication capabilities.”
Afterward, BP Communications, external affairs, and strategy vice president Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli expressed satisfaction with successful completion of CAERC and BP joint project on modernization of infrastructure of electronic monitoring and evaluation. “BP has always been committed to supporting the country's economic diversification. We are proud to support this project, which we believe will contribute to the sustainable economic development of Azerbaijan”
It should be mentioned that the launch of the electronic portal will create the opportunity for coordinating the monitoring and evaluation process by basing on the principles of accountability, transparency, flexibility, objectivity, rule of law, effective decision-making and good governance. Such governance is, first and foremost, serves to promoting fair representation, reducing bureaucratic procedures, and considering the needs of society. The initiation of such a portal will ensure the accuracy, completeness, reliability and free access of the information provided through the electronic platform, and will minimize the time spent on the exchange of information. On the other hand, the wide-scope application of modern technologies in the country will facilitate the increase of efficiency of state bodies activities, establishment of effective, transparent, controllable public administration and local self-government, the involvement of citizens to active participation in the process of public administration and reform.
Analysts of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Yusif Safarov and Ayaz Museyibov made a presentation on monitoring and evaluation software. They stated that the portal institutionalizes the monitoring and evaluation process, digitizes the reform process, improves coordination and communication order, increases accountability, transparency, and efficiency. Also, the portal fully covers the processes of implementation, monitoring, evaluation, coordination, and communication. The participants of the event were provided with detailed information on the functionality of the co-ordinating, implementing agencies and monitoring team in accordance with the monitoring mechanism of the portal. Moreover, the CAERC analysts told that the use of a portal would minimize the time spent on the exchange of information, create real-time reporting and performance analysis capabilities, and increase the quality of monitoring and evaluation.
The representatives of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication stated that they plan to conduct meetings and training with state agencies regarding the software.
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the discussions, the following issues were analyzed: the status of the implementation of planned and ongoing measures, the difficulties encountered in this process, as well as the possibility of accelerating the implementation of tasks.
Vusal Gasimli, the Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, noted that for achieving goals set by 2020, mentioned that it is planned to implement measures on 6 strategic targets and 16 strategic priorities.
The targets include measures in the areas of restructuring and capitalization of banks, improving assets, developing the insurance market, enhancing financial inclusion, developing capital and the money market, creating favorable conditions for market participants, developing credit information exchange systems, and creating working mechanisms for ensuring provision of rights of lenders, standardizing court decisions and improving procedural arrangements, and other.
V. Gasimli mentioned successful and timely achievement of the tasks set. As a result of economic reforms carried out by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, indicators of financial stability of banking systems have increased. Thus, the total capital adequacy ratio increased by almost three times compared to the end of 2016.
Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic "On additional measures related to the solution of problem loans of individuals in the Republic of Azerbaijan".
On the other hand, the Decree "On additional measures related to the solution of problem loans of individuals in the Republic of Azerbaijan» created the conditions for increasing activity in the banking sector and laid a solid foundation for a substantial reduction in the portfolio of non-performing loans. As a result of the implemented measures and reforms in the post-crisis period, a record 4% decrease in non-performing loans was achieved.
According to statistics, for the last 3 years in the country, the special weight of manat in relation to foreign currency increased 2.5 times in deposits of individuals, and the process of de-dollarization intensified.
Strategic Roadmap on Heavy Industry and Machine Building development discussed
Strategic Roadmap on Heavy Industry and Machine Building development discussed
The implementation of the Strategic Roadmap on the development of the Heavy Industry and Machine Building in the Republic of Azerbaijan was discussed at the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC). Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Coordination, and Communication issues in accordance with the Program Management were discussed at the event. It should be noted that 3 Strategic Targets and 9 Strategic Priorities are planned to be achieved for the implementation of this Roadmap. During the discussion, it was also noted that the necessary steps for the optimization of existing assets, creation of a competitive sector, provision of financial support and implementation of international cooperation were defined as the main direction of this Roadmap.
Director of the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) Vusal Gasimli said that in the course of the implementation of the Strategic Roadmap on the development of Heavy Industry and Machine Building in the Republic of Azerbaijan, important work has been done in this respect. As a result of the reforms, an Investment Databank was established. With the further simplification of business processes, relevant measures were taken to improve Investment Climate: "In January-August 2019, production in the non-oil sector of the industry increased by 15.2 percent compared to the corresponding period of 2018. Also, the production of finished metal products in the processing industry increased by 59.2 percent, the installation and repair of machinery and equipment by 26.4 percent, the production of machinery and equipment by 13.6 percent, the production of building materials by 7.8 percent, the production of computer, electronic and optical products by 55.4 percent, the production of chemical products by 30.4%. Production of metal ores in the mining industry increased by 11.2 percent compared to the corresponding period of 2018 in January-June 2019.
At the same time, work has been done to improve the staffing of industrial enterprises during the relevant period. Industrial vocational training programs for specialists in industry and installation, automation, automotive, mining, and other types of vocational programs have been developed. In January-May 2019, the average monthly salary of hired workers in the industrial sectors of the country increased by 7.3 percent to 1012.1 AZN.”
During the discussion, it was noted that the development of light, food, chemical, construction, and other processing industries and mining industries depends on the intensive development of production lines, machinery and equipment, various machine-tools and other products of Heavy Industry and Machine Building industries. In January-June 2019, the manufacture of Food Products (32.4%), Oil Products (25.5%) and Construction Materials (6.6%) accounted for the highest specific weight sub-sectors in the structure of production in the processing industry.
It should be noted that representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Education, the State Committee on Property Issues, and other state bodies participated in the discussions on the “Strategic Roadmap on the development of Heavy Industry and Machine Building in the Republic of Azerbaijan”.
Strategic Roadmap on the production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship discussed
Strategic Roadmap on the production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship discussed
At the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC), "Strategic Roadmap on the production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" was discussed. At the event, the state of implementation of the measures envisaged being implemented within the framework of Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Coordination, and Communication issues in accordance with the Program Management and the difficulties faced in this process, the opportunities for accelerating the execution of tasks were analyzed.
Director of the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) Vusal Gasimli said that the document defines the planned implementation of measures on 5 Strategic Targets and 21 Strategic Priorities to achieve the goals set for 2020. These goals consists of activities toward measures aimed at improving Business Environment and regulatory framework for SMEs, ensuring useful and efficient access of SMEs to financial resources, internationalization of SMEs and increasing access to foreign markets, increasing knowledge and skills of SMEs, accelerating the application of advanced practices, promoting innovation, expanding research and development activities for SMEs.
It was noted that significant progress has been made in this regard over the past years and the necessary steps have been taken. Director of the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) Vusal Gasimli said that as a result of the economic reforms carried out by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and Business Environment, in general, demonstrate a dynamic development trend. Within the framework of the implementation of Strategic Roadmap, the Agency for Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), the State Agency for Antimonopoly Policy and Supervision of the Consumer Market, the "Licenses and Permits" portal, Azerbaijan Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund (MCGF), the State Registry for Encumbrance of Movable Property were established. In addition, measures such as the application of Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA), Minimum Participation Rate of SMEs in Public Procurement, the suspension of inspections until 2021 and the benefits and privileges granted to residents of industrial clusters were implemented.
During the discussions, it was noted that the Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Strategic Roadmaps implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev further increase the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of Management as a whole.
Under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the stabilization of the national economy in 2017, the revival of the economy in 2018 and the high growth rate in 2019 were ensured. If the country's GDP decreased by 3.1 percent in 2016, the rapid reaction to economic processes and the selection of the right strategic line, the pace of Economic Development has started to be restored since 2017. Thus, if in 2017 and 2018, GDP growth was 0.1 and 1.4 percent respectively, while in the first 8 months of 2019, GDP growth rate reached 2.4 percent, Non-oil and Gas sector growth rate was 3 percent, Oil and Gas sector increased by 1.6 percent and the stability of the national currency were achieved. Furthermore, compared to 2017, inflation fell from 12.9 percent to 2.6 percent in the first 8 months of 2019.
It should be noted that representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Economy, the Agency for Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), AZPROMO, and the Institute for Scientific Research on Economic Reforms (ISRER) participated in the discussions on the “Strategic Roadmap for the production of consumer goods at the level of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship”.
Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Tourism discussed
The State of Implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Tourism
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Logistics and Trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the discussions, the status of the implementation of planned and ongoing measures by the relevant institutions, the problems encountered in this process, as well as opportunities to speed up the implementation of the tasks were analyzed.
Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, noted that for achieving tasks set in the document by 2020, it is planned to implement measures on 3 strategic targets and 7 strategic priorities. These targets include measures to create a favorable environment for the growth of trade volume through the territory of Azerbaijan, to obtain greater benefits from transit trade and to introduce important driving mechanisms for the implementation of logistics and trade goals.
Representatives of the Presidential Administration, Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC, Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC, Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Azeravtoyol OJSC, Silkway Airlines LLC, Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC and the Ministry of Economy took part in the discussion of the Strategic Roadmap for the development of logistics and trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The State of Implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Logistics and Trade
The State of Implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Logistics and Trade
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Logistics and Trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the discussions, the status of the implementation of planned and ongoing measures by the relevant institutions, the problems encountered in this process, as well as opportunities to speed up the implementation of the tasks were analyzed.
Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, noted that for achieving tasks set in the document by 2020, it is planned to implement measures on 3 strategic targets and 7 strategic priorities. These targets include measures to create a favorable environment for the growth of trade volume through the territory of Azerbaijan, to obtain greater benefits from transit trade and to introduce important driving mechanisms for the implementation of logistics and trade goals.
Representatives of the Presidential Administration, Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC, Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC, Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Azeravtoyol OJSC, Silkway Airlines LLC, Azerbaijan Airlines CJSC and the Ministry of Economy took part in the discussion of the Strategic Roadmap for the development of logistics and trade in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Discussion on the Status of Implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for Agriculture
Discussion on the Status of Implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for Agriculture
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the Strategic Roadmap on Production and Processing of Agricultural Products in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the event, such issues as coordination of the activities of executive bodies, monitoring and evaluation, as well as the successful implementation of the upcoming tasks were discussed.
Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, noted that in order to achieve the goals set by 2020, the document plans to implement measures on 9 strategic targets and 36 strategic priorities. These targets include strengthening institutional potential for food security, facilitating access to finance, developing agricultural capital markets, developing science, education and agricultural advisory services, increasing rural employment, improving population welfare and others.
According to Vusal Gasimli, significant progress has been made in this area in recent years, and the necessary steps have been taken. As a result of reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev, compared with the corresponding period of 2018, during the first 7 months of this year, in Azerbaijan total agricultural production increased by 6.3 percent, including an increase in crop production by 9.5 percent, and livestock production by 3.1 percent. In addition, 643 tons of cocoon were produced in the country , which is the highest figure in the last 21 years. There was also a significant increase in productivity in vegetable growing, melon growing and the cultivation of certain fruit varieties. In general, from January to June 2019, the country increased the production of all agricultural products with the exception of green tea leaves. During this period, agricultural products worth 411.8 million US dollars were exported, which, in value terms, is 27.9% more if compared to the same period of the previous year.
It should be noted that the representatives of the following structures participated in the discussion of the Strategic Roadmap on Production and Processing of Agricultural Products in the Republic of Azerbaijan: President Administration, Ministry of agriculture, Food Safety Agency, Financial Market Supervisory Authority, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Taxes, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Committee on Property Issues and others.
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for Development of Financial Services in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the discussions, the following issues were analyzed: the status of the implementation of planned and ongoing measures, the difficulties encountered in this process, as well as the possibility of accelerating the implementation of tasks.
Vusal Gasimli, the Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, noted that for achieving goals set by 2020, mentioned that it is planned to implement measures on 6 strategic targets and 16 strategic priorities.
The targets include measures in the areas of restructuring and capitalization of banks, improving assets, developing the insurance market, enhancing financial inclusion, developing capital and the money market, creating favorable conditions for market participants, developing credit information exchange systems, and creating working mechanisms for ensuring provision of rights of lenders, standardizing court decisions and improving procedural arrangements, and other.
V. Gasimli mentioned successful and timely achievement of the tasks set. As a result of economic reforms carried out by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, indicators of financial stability of banking systems have increased. Thus, the total capital adequacy ratio increased by almost three times compared to the end of 2016.
Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic "On additional measures related to the solution of problem loans of individuals in the Republic of Azerbaijan".
On the other hand, the Decree "On additional measures related to the solution of problem loans of individuals in the Republic of Azerbaijan» created the conditions for increasing activity in the banking sector and laid a solid foundation for a substantial reduction in the portfolio of non-performing loans. As a result of the implemented measures and reforms in the post-crisis period, a record 4% decrease in non-performing loans was achieved.
According to statistics, for the last 3 years in the country, the special weight of manat in relation to foreign currency increased 2.5 times in deposits of individuals, and the process of de-dollarization intensified.
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Utilities
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Utilities
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the state of implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Utilities (electricity and thermal energy, water and gas supply). During the event, such issues as coordination of the activities of executive bodies, monitoring and evaluation, as well as the successful implementation of the upcoming tasks were discussed. For implementing the Strategic Roadmap, it is planned to implement measures on 7 strategic targets and14 strategic priorities.
Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications, said: “During the implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Utilities (electricity and thermal energy, water and gas supply), a number of important measures were taken. As a result of reforms carried out in the field of public utilities, the annual consumption of natural gas at low tariffs among the population increased by almost 30% from 1,700 to 2,200 cubic meters. At the same time, as a result of gasification, the level of gas supply in the country reached 95.7%. The North 2 ES with a total capacity of 400 MW was commissioned. Along with this, compared with August of the previous year, in August of 2019, electricity production increased by 200 million kW or 10.5% and reached 2.14 billion kW. ”
During the discussion, it was noted that the main areas of this roadmap include ensuring sustainability and efficiency in regulating the public utilities sector, ensuring a fully diversified and environmentally friendly electricity production, introducing world standards of medium efficiency and quality, as well as launching mechanisms to achieve goals. At the same time, measures to develop an efficient gas distribution infrastructure, create a high-level water management structure, reduce losses in water supply, create a sustainable and reliable heat supply infrastructure are also among necessary steps.
As a result of reforms carried out jointly with the executive bodies, compared to the appropriate period of the last year, from January to June 2019, the number of appeals from citizens submitted to OJSC “Azerishig” in electronic format or through the services of “ASAN” and “ASAN Kommunal” increased for more than 2 times. The number of appeals from entrepreneurs increased almost 3 times. In addition, for the first 7 months of 2019, electricity meters were installed in 2,800 facilities of the entrepreneurs (who applied) which is almost 3 times more when compared with the corresponding period of the last year. Reforms in this area also contribute to the advancement of Azerbaijan in the Doing Business report. So, when comparing with the corresponding period of the last year, according to the indicator “Connection to electricity supply networks”, Azerbaijan advance for 28 steps.
The representatives of the following structures participated at the discussion of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Utilities (electricity and thermal energy, water and gas supply): Presidential Administration, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Economy, State Committee on Property Issues, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population,Ministry of Finance, Tariff (price) Council, State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President, SOCAR, "Azerenergy" OJSC, "Azreishig" OJSC, "Azeristiliktejhizat" OJSC and "Azersu" OJSC.
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Housing Provision at a Reasobale Price
Discussion on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Housing Provision at a Reasobale Price
The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication hosted the discussion on the state of implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Housing Provision at a Reasonable Price.
Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, noted that for achieving tasks set in the document by 2020, it was planned to implement measures on 2 strategic targets, 6 strategic priorities, and 18 measures.
According to the objectives, until 2020 it is necessary to complete the design of housing at a reasonable price and increase the level of implementation, as well as reduce the cost of implementing projects by using free public land in housing construction.
In addition, the main goals are to save funds on projects by ensuring a competitive environment, providing most of the services presented by MIDA LLC through the Electronic State portal, reducing the problem of urbanization, shortening the average housing construction period, improving the living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons not provided with housing until today, as well as attracting foreign investment in the country's construction sector.
The discussions on the Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Housing Provision at a Reasonable Price were attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration, the State Housing Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, Azerbaijan Investment Company OJSC, MIDA LLC, and the Mortgage Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan.